Potential applications of drones are limitless. From civil drones to educational purposes, to do-it-yourself (DIY) drones, delivery drones, mini indoor drones, safety drones or gamified experiences.
This contest aims to explore how a drone can play a part in a child’s world, empowering their curiosity, learning and playing, or even ensuring their safety, supporting or helping them overcome challenges.
Participants are encouraged to conceive innovative designs that resonate with the needs, desires, and developmental stages of young kids. We invite you to create concepts that serves a meaningful purpose in a child's life, at the same time creating something you would love to see featured on the leManoosh wall
Contest deets
Kick off: 5th June, 2023
Deadline (Phase 1): 30th June, 2023
An ID. Design internship at leManoosh Creatives. Featured on the leManoosh wall. Free access to leManoosh Super Unlimited Online Courses.
Submission guidelines
Participants should create renderings of various angles, 2D views and zooms on details to clearly showcase the concept as well as possible photo realistic integrations.
You must send a series of .jpeg that combines the following formats:
2160 x 2700 px 2160 x 2160 px
This will make it easier for us and you to share them on the leManoosh wall and Instagram + IG stories.
Story / Key features
Include a short written description or the story behind your concept, or highlight the design's key features which you really want us to know about in order to evaluate and fully understand at best your concepts.
Add-ons (optional)
Optionally, you may include sketches or parts of your design process, or even animations and video explanations of potential features to demonstrate their functionality, LED glows, camera movements, etc... .
Send the above by mail to [email protected] + Tag us (@lemanoosh_official) on your Instagram!