Google Us! Part 2 (Finally…)

For those who are old enough to remember when I started the little Google Us… .
Then Agustin and I are happy to say that we finally found a few hours in between 2 projects and the courses to finish it. 

So I’m proud to announce part 2!  (Part 1 here if you haven’t seen it)

I believe this should put an end to the list of emails which I received “Where is Part 2” and should start a new series of “Where is phase 3”. Ha!

So I won’t promise anything about phase 3, let’s enjoy this one for now. Hope you enjoy it too.

Cheers guys, Cheers Manooshies!



Download new videos on how to improve the quality of your designs

Here are few tips that might help you. In these videos, I help you by showing you some of the techniques that made me grow as a designer over the last 10 years of experience.

Manoosh, give me some Tips !

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