Trends & Inspiration

We’re about to launch the world's first and most anticipated "Essentials of Midjourney Masterclass" for Industrial Designers. This course is perfect for those who missed the initial AI wave and want to catch up with the leading experts. You'll learn to create images and products that can compete with what you see on leManoosh. Join the waiting list now to secure your spot in the future of design!


"I've come to learn that you have to make an extraordinary effort not to focus on the problems, which are implicated with any new idea. These problems are known. They're quantifiable and understood. But you have to focus on the actual idea, which is partial, tentative, and unproven." - Jony Ive

Swinton Design San Francisco USA

We are brothers and designers. Our work focuses on a commitment to improving the world through design thinking, creativity, and innovation.

LEAPX Shenzhen China

LEAPX is a cross-disciplinary team based in the Silicon Valley of hardware: Shenzhen. We are a design and innovation company founded by the creators of the DJI Mavic series. By understanding and integ...

Score: 3 694

fuseproject San Francisco USA

fuseproject is an industry leading design and innovation firm led by Yves Béhar. fuseproject works with founders, c-suite execs, and product leaders, to bring “firsts” and category leading products to...

Score: 88 664


Download new videos on how to improve the quality of your designs

Here are few tips that might help you. In these videos, I help you by showing you some of the techniques that made me grow as a designer over the last 10 years of experience.

Manoosh, give me some Tips !