Trends & Inspiration

Logitech Lausanne Switzerland

A Swiss company focused on innovation and quality, Logitech designs products and experiences that have an everyday place in people's lives. Founded in 1981 in Lausanne, Switzerland, and quickly expand...

Score: 100 865


People say that if you want something, you just have to want it bad enough. Visualize the goal and get it. But what is a goal without a journey? This story isn't about getting there, it's about the ri...

Score: 16 215

Lavazza Group Torino Italy

Founded in Turin in 1895 as a small family business, today, 125 years and four generations of entrepreneurs later, we are an international group with more than 4,000 employees. We continue to export t...

To expand your network, turn around and say "hello"!


Download new videos on how to improve the quality of your designs

Here are few tips that might help you. In these videos, I help you by showing you some of the techniques that made me grow as a designer over the last 10 years of experience.

Manoosh, give me some Tips !