Trends & Inspiration

plum Kyiv Ukraine

Plum is a product company which primary product is word's first wireless charger with build in NFC tag.

Garmin Olahe USA

We make products that are engineered on the inside for life on the outside. We do this so our customers can make the most of the time they spend pursuing their passions. With more than 14,500 associat...

Score: 30 132

Studio17 Design Cambridge United Kingdom

Studio17 is an award-winning product design consultancy founded by David Evans and Ashley May in 2010. Nestled in the heart of the UK’s science and tech industries in rural Cambridgeshire, they have f...

9 hours of professional car designer techniques that will help you create your own design proposals fast, efficiently and with pro visuals. A complete guide from using your own sketch, to modelling and rendering a complete car from zero.


3D modelling and rendering is more than just tools and materials. This leManoosh Essential focuses on the professional Industrial Design use & everything which is useful tomorrow at our desks. The workflows, techniques, speed, organization or simply learning from Odilon's experience at Koenigsegg, not only allow us to create models at competitive speed, but also help us keep our heads clear. Registration Is Open This Week!

Check Out This Week's Special Bonuses!

Download new videos on how to improve the quality of your designs

Here are few tips that might help you. In these videos, I help you by showing you some of the techniques that made me grow as a designer over the last 10 years of experience.

Manoosh, give me some Tips !