Trends & Inspiration

Logitech Lausanne Switzerland

A Swiss company focused on innovation and quality, Logitech designs products and experiences that have an everyday place in people's lives. Founded in 1981 in Lausanne, Switzerland, and quickly expand...

Score: 100 319

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  • Main contact
  • Logitech Europe S.A. Quartier de l'Innovation Daniel Borel Innovation Center CH - 1015 Lausanne Switzerland

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You will get a step-by-step guide through page layout, setting your sketch foundation, initial line work, colour blocking, adding a light source, adding detail, line weight and finalizing page composition for optimal design communication. Progress further to give extra depth to your marker rendering knowledge by mastering the materials used in ID: Wood grain, woven fabric, Satin Aluminium, landscaping, TPE & ABS plastic, chrome, clear objects, liquids, etc… Progress from a naive sketch to a believable product and become a Master Marker Renderer!

I'm Ready!

The Blender Parametric Texture Mastery is now enrolling! A complete guide to be proficient and never limited when it comes to fading patterns, ventilation holes, flowing speaker grids, advanced and organic textures.

Object Grey Bend United States

Object Grey is a Product Design Agency dedicated to bringing meaningfully unique products and experiences to market. We embrace the unknown and thrive through ideation. We design what's next.

Score: 1 537

studio 2 Seoul Korea

Studio 2, a leading product design studio based in Seoul, Korea. We are driven by a passion for exploring new possibilities and creating innovative ideas that push boundaries. Through deep insight and...

Score: 6 424

KRB.BERLIN Berlin Germany

KRB.BERLIN is a design studio for product development and engineering, branding, and communication, specializing in sporting goods, transportation design, healthcare, and lifestyle products. Our desig...


Download new videos on how to improve the quality of your designs

Here are few tips that might help you. In these videos, I help you by showing you some of the techniques that made me grow as a designer over the last 10 years of experience.

Manoosh, give me some Tips !